Ashli Babbitt ~ A Reversal of Roles

Ashli Babbitt

By David Ware

January 6, 2022


On January 6th, 2021, U.S. Congress gathered in its constitutional role to count electoral votes and to confirm the winner of the 2020 presidential election. Candidate Joe Biden was convinced that he had won the election but that in the wee hours of the morning of November 4th, 2020, votes cast for him had mysteriously been changed over to Donald Trump who eventually was declared the winner.

Democrats for two months had been saying that Trump had stolen an election and that Biden was the actual winner. Today, Congress had the opportunity to reject those fraudulent electoral votes, set the record straight, declare Biden the winner so he would be inaugurated on January 20th.

Literally hundreds of thousands of Biden supporters who admired his charismatic campaign style and obvious leadership qualities gathered on the Mall in Washington DC just outside the U.S. Capitol to support the rightful winner of the election. The constitutional process must be protected and no fraud like Donald Trump could possibly steal an election of a virtuous man like Joe Biden.

There has been much speculation since but nobody quite knows how it started or who was behind it. Somehow this mass of humanity moved up the Capitol steps and breached the sacred and venerable U.S. Capitol itself. They were on a mission of justice to right a wrong and to remind Congress that they were accountable to the people who had duly elected Joe Biden. They wanted their elected officials to do the right thing and reject those fraudulent electoral votes that would have made Trump the putative president.

It began peacefully enough. But Trump had apparently put some instigators and operatives in the crowd who convinced the people that the end justifies the means. Breaching the Capitol was wrong, but if it saved America from another four years of Trump, and ensured that the election went to the rightful winner, history would be kind in its remembrance of these Americans who just did what needed to be done.

Much happened that day, but most salient was the heinous intentional assassination of a black Biden supporter, a female, one who admittedly had a criminal record but who was redeeming herself by rescuing America from conservatism. There was absolutely no excuse because she had not in any way endangered the Capitol Police Officer who shot her in the neck.

Yes, she had broken a law by being there, but she posed no danger to the officer or anyone else by simply climbing through a broken window. Anyone with a brain could see that climbing through a window is not a capital offense which justifies deadly force. Even those damn conservatives should be able to figure that one out!

The officer should have been held accountable and had his day in court. But when Congress failed to do its duty that day and Trump was sworn in for another term, he and his administration obfuscated any legitimate investigation or potential prosecution of the rogue officer.

As you would expect, the Democrat leadership in Congress was furious. Senate Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a joint statement that said quite succinctly but forcefully:

“Today conservatism has shown its ugly face! An innocent woman on a mission to preserve the integrity of the recent presidential election was wantonly murdered in the U.S. Capitol! What was her crime? Trying to climb through a broken window! This injustice will not stand!”

In the 12 violent months since then, we all remember seeing daily peaceable protests that burned down entire inner cities all across America to bring justice after the racially-motivated assassination of a black Biden supporter by a white Capitol Police Officer. Anytime a white officer kills a black person, the officer is invariably wrong.

The U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021 was no different in the eyes of all the loyal supporters of Joe Biden, who should now be the rightful President of the United States. Whatever must be done will be done to remove Donald Trump from the Oval Office even if he has to be picked up by his elbows and Joe Biden put in his place. As we all know, Democrats never accept defeat or take no for an answer under any circumstances!

All those Trump supporters who don’t understand why all of the Democrat supporters of Joe Biden feel such indignation should consider what if the shoe were on the other foot!


Ashli Babbitt was a white woman and a veteran of the United States Air Force. She went to Washington DC to help hold Congress accountable to perform their constitutional duties to challenge any questionable electoral votes in the last presidential election.

Somehow she got caught up in a mass incursion into the Capitol itself, and for unknown reasons since she is no longer here to ask her why she did it, she was shot in the neck and killed by a U.S. Capitol Police Officer while trying to climb through a broken window.

We do not know what was running through the mind of that black officer. His race had nothing to do with it, though it would have been made an issue if the circumstances were reversed.

Tragically, Ashli Babbitt is dead. She was shot while climbing through a broken window. Nothing more, nothing less. She is the victim of an internecine battle for control of America.


I am a retired Federal Officer. After 5½ years military duty in the U.S. Air Force, I served over 27 years as a uniformed officer of the U.S. Customs Service / U.S. Customs and Border Protection, before transitioning to a plain clothes analyst position. All in all, my combined military-civilian service was 42 years.

What I am telling you here is not just something I read about in a book or online somewhere. I have worked at airports, seaports and land border ports across America. I was a U.S. Customs Inspector, Senior Inspector, Supervisory Customs Inspector and Supervisory CBP Officer. The majority of my uniformed service was at airports in Honolulu and LAX. I have also done TDY’s on the southwestern border with Mexico.

In 1987-’88, I served on the Contraband Enforcement Team at Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor. We boarded a lot of suspect vessels and seized a significant amount of heroin and other contraband, keeping it off the street in your community.

In the context of what we’re talking about today, I specifically will recount to you an incident where we did a felony stop of a suspect in the middle of the night on a dark pier amongst stacks of 40 ft and 20 ft ocean containers. It was a dark, hazardous, dangerous environment where a false move could have resulted in one or more officers down. It also could have led to a potential need to escalate the use of force. Fortunately, it did not.

There are various iterations of the Use of Force Continuum for federal, state and local officers. Basically, the first stage is officer presence. The next step is giving verbal commands. Then, when necessary the officer progresses to empty-hand techniques, followed by less-lethal techniques if required.

Only when there is a threat to life or safety can deadly / lethal force be employed.

What I remember is that during a felony stop, once the officer’s weapon has been removed from its holster, absolute care must be taken that there is not an accidental or impulsive trigger pull without the intent to immobilize the subject. The intent in no circumstances is to kill if he or she can be stopped without doing so.

This was well over 30 years ago but I still remember what was going through my mind. Keep your finger off the trigger unless action is required!

I will not second-guess the U.S. Capitol Police Officer as to what was going through his mind, whether he intended to pull the trigger or if he did so accidentally or impulsively. What I will say is that it is the purpose of an agency investigation to ascertain the circumstances of the incident, whether the officer was at fault. If so, charges would be brought and he would have his day in court for a trial which would determine guilt or innocence.


Trespassing and climbing through a broken window are not capital offenses. Neither was being a drug suspect in the border incident I described above. The very worst consequence that Ashli Babbitt should have suffered was to have her day in court. She did nothing that warranted shooting her. She obviously used poor judgment in breaching the Capitol and climbing through that window. But she did not deserve to die for it!

The other essential ingredient of what we have today is that the response to what happened a year ago on January 6th, 2021 is not based upon facts, not rooted in federal law, but is rather a vendetta against political opponents of the current President and his administration.

You know full well, regardless of your political persuasion, that in the hypothetical scenario with which I began, Democrats would not be saying what they are saying today!


The next time we have a conservative President and control of Congress, I propose that January 6th be established as a national holiday called Unity Day. Let every member of Congress of both political parties gather together on the Capitol steps in a Kumbaya moment just like they did after 9/11.

Only when we remember that we are all on the same side defending America will America be America again!

See Also:

J6 + 365

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