This is the day Ronald Reagan warned us about: We are in danger of losing our freedoms forever!

By David Ware

September 9, 2021

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

I am old enough to remember hearing those words spoken, but so are Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. It was people like them that Ronald Reagan warned us about. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union never really infiltrated American society and the American psyche the way Marxism has done in our own generation.

Whoever controls the narrative writes history.

Ronald Reagan internalized the lessons of World War II as part of the greatest generation. He understood the threat to freedom and liberty. He had witnessed the ravages of war and the results of unconstrained tyranny around the world. Our last president old enough to have learned the lessons of World War II was George HW Bush.

Since then we have been at the mercy of leaders without the knowledge base or the experience to deal with vicious ideologies. We have young voters now who don’t even personally remember 9/11/2001, let alone 12/7/1941.

My parents’ generation all remembered where they were and what they were doing when they heard about Pearl Harbor. My generation remembers where we were when we heard about JFK’s assassination. Most of us now still remember when we heard about the World Trade Center and the Pentagon attack.

But time dulls the senses. We no longer feel that shock and horror of that Tuesday morning 20 years ago. We have been deliberately lulled into a false sense of security. The number of veterans in today’s society is not what it once was. Very few members of Congress have actually served on active duty in the armed forces. We don’t have any more Kennedy’s or Eisenhower’s who were war heroes to inform their responsibilities as Commander in Chief. If we get Kamala Harris as our 47th president, we will all find out how low our national defense posture has sunk.

We always thought that the main threat was military. Those of us who grew up during the Cuban Missile Crisis and did drop drills diving under our desk thought that a nuclear weapon could eventually spell our national demise, but we never expected Khrushchev and the Russians to undermine the moral fabric of American society.

What we didn’t see coming was a pre-engineered biological attack released by a foreign power and the treason of our own fellow citizens. This is not really the second wave of a global health crisis. We are still in the early stages of a perfectly orchestrated scheme to create fear and panic to coerce Americans into relinquishing our constitutional rights, ostensibly for a season but in reality forever.

Today, I heard for the first time of a virus emanating from India which may be another variety of covid or something entirely different which could have an exponentially higher death rate than anything we have seen thus far.

Aren’t you beginning to realize that somebody somewhere is behind all this with an agenda?

When I heard Ronald Reagan’s words quoted above, I honestly never expected them to unfold within my own life span. But within one generation, our country which has survived for two and a half centuries is on the brink of ultimate demise. It certainly doesn’t help that we have a vegetable in the Oval Office. We all know that Joe Biden is just the cabbage. Will we ever learn who is forking him?

Americans at every level of society have been successfully suborned to act contrary to their own best interests. We are all spoon-fed with daily doses of the emerging threat posed by microscopic viruses and bacteria. This prefabricated panic is in fact much more of an existential threat now than the splitting of microscopic atoms or the penetration of our bodies by an endless succession of diseases.

But actually, the threat is not from the atom, the virus or the bacterium. Rather, it emanates from the synapses in our own brain. Our thought processes have been renetworked to misidentify fiction as truth. Just as we need antibodies to combat disease, we require an unprecedented level of introspection to prevent the reorientation of our thought processes.

Those in law enforcement are familiar with the Stockholm Syndrome. Americans collectively have begun to identify with our captors and oppressors. We assume that they have the right to control our lives and tell us what we may do and what we may not do.

I’m going to give you a specific example that I actually recall from a class in Contemporary American Problems that I took in 1965 at Alexander Hamilton High School in Los Angeles. As baby boomers, our parents had all gone through World War II. Most of my classmates were Jewish and had lost grandparents, aunts and uncles in the Holocaust. So this was not just an abstract theoretical academic exercise.

A Nazi guard orders a prisoner to bury a fellow prisoner alive or be killed himself. The prisoner obeys and follows the illegal order. But before the victim is completely buried and suffocates from the dirt, the Nazi guard orders that he be uncovered. Then, the Nazi guard turns to the dirt-covered prisoner and says to him, now you bury your fellow prisoner who tried to bury you.

Our teacher then asks each of us to discuss what we would do if we were that dirt-covered prisoner. Of course, the lurkers didn’t speak up at all.

Some students said, an eye for an eye, so go ahead and bury him until he suffocates. After all, he was going to do that to me. Others said, no, two wrongs don’t make a right. I would not want to bury and kill somebody just because he tried to do it to me.

Please take just a moment and think for yourself, what would have been your response and then read on.

Our teacher’s profound words to us have stuck with me all these years. He said, that Nazi guard had no right to order either of you to kill the other. It was an illegal order. There is no reason either of you should obey his commands. The best response would be for both of you together to overwhelm the Nazi guard or at least to make the attempt.


What will you do when your government tells you turn in your neighbor who violates an illegal order? Will you just think about whether you agree or disagree with the order itself? Will you just sacrifice your neighbor in order to temporarily preserve your own safety? Or, will you realize that no one has the right to make moral decisions for you or to command you to comply?

If neighbors spy on neighbors, if children spy on parents and then they betray them to the authorities, they have abrogated their social and familial relationships.

They have accepted a specious lie.

They are but pawns on a chessboard being moved wherever the chess master desires in a grand strategy that would easily sacrifice a pawn to save the king. Not only the queen, but also the bishop, knight and rook are more valuable than the lowly pawn.

So, if you are a pawn, your purpose is only strategic and you have no value of your own.

Yes, there is a chess master and we are all on the chessboard at this very moment. It’s not about white pieces or black pieces. It’s about not having any control to make our own decisions and letting others make them. It is a real-life contest where each and every one of us, except the king, is dispensable.

I haven’t really specifically addressed vaccines here. My purpose instead has been to help instill in you the realization that you must think for yourself because only you can make the decisions that benefit you and your family.

Neither a Nazi guard, a chess master, a president, a governor nor a mayor cares what happens to you!

If you are capable of abstract thought, this should make perfect sense to you. Otherwise, you will just say, oh, that’s a bunch of nonsense. All the writer of this article wants is to get me to endanger my neighbors by being selfish. If you are in that category, there is virtually nothing I can do to help you. But, I will sleep better tonight knowing I tried.