I Had a Dream

By David Ware

May 18, 2024

I had a dream. A real literal dream. A when I’m asleep kind of dream. But it was as true as anything I’ve ever learned when I was awake.

God sometimes gives us messages in our dreams. In this dream, it was about a cartoon character. He was unable to do anything or say anything unless the cartoonist who created him made it happen.

He realized he had no shape or form or existence of any kind in and of himself. He suddenly knew he was totally dependent upon an outside force to be who he was. So all he could do was to call upon the one who had created him to put form to his body, words in his heart and mind, and to take action in his behalf.

Who is your favorite cartoon character? I kind of like Dilbert and the other characters in that cartoon. But, Dilbert doesn’t exist except in that context and only can say or do the things that the cartoonist conceives of and enables him to do vicariously.

You know what I’m going to say next. Yes, much more so we are all dependent upon our Master Creator without Whom we have no claim to life in any form. He thought us into existence and He could also will us out of existence. Fortunately, that is not His Master Plan. We will spend eternity somewhere. Either in His presence or eternally separated from Him.

The human cartoonist could stop drawing Dilbert and his cohort and they would no longer perpetuate their activities. Just as much as we love the old Peanuts cartoon strip with Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and all the others, without Charles Schulz giving them life, they are no longer able to provide those little Gems and Nuggets of Wisdom. They were all at the behest of the one who thought them into being.

But unlike a mortal cartoonist, who will not always be alive or drawing cartoons, God IS The Great I Am. In Him we think and move and have our very being. Without Him, we are literally nothing. Without Him, we return only to the dust of the Earth. Without Him, there is nothing beyond.

Yes, this was a dream this morning before I woke up. But, the message was still very much with me when I opened my eyes. I am who I am only because God’s “eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in [His] book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16.

Joel 2:28-29 tells us “your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”

So, what is your dream or your vision in these closing days of time?