China Has Committed an Act of War Against the Philippines

By David Ware

June 18, 2024

I would not want today to be in the position of Philippine President Ferdinand (BongBong) Marcos Jr. The fate of his country (and indeed of the world) lies squarely on his shoulders.

The Chinese Communist Party has attacked a Philippine Naval Vessel within its own territory. That is undeniably an Act of War and no rhetoric can put lipstick on that pig.

There is every justification for implementing the Mutual Defense Treaty between the Philippines and the United States at this point. Not to do so will only embolden the enemy and make response and retaliation more difficult later on. Or never to do so is tantamount to capitulation to foreign aggression and hegemony.

On the other hand, to do so risks a totally unreliable ally in Washington DC with a geriatric dementia patient at the helm and a convict itching to regain power. What would be America’s response now and/or after our November election? The Philippines could be left in the lurch.

I can just see BongBong now weighing all these options in his mind and his heart. The unfortunate reality is that the Philippines cannot stand up to China alone merely due to size. Without a big brother to live up to its obligations, a Declaration of War by the Philippines against China would be an invitation for China to invade and occupy the Philippines. Japan didn’t even need that much provocation and they did it in a previous generation.

Besides the legal obligation of the MDT, America is morally responsible for helping the Philippines because the Philippines is being attacked almost solely because China finds them much closer and more vulnerable than a direct attack on us. That’s why China is sparing Vietnam and attacking the Philippines.

So if I were BongBong right now I wouldn’t have an easy choice either. I would understand my own resolve and resolve of my countrymen. But I would be afraid my big brother would turn and forsake me in a moment of crisis.

Of course there are also other countries such as Japan, Australia, India, UK, France and more who may or may not fight with the Philippines against China. First of all it’s uncertain they would do so, and second of all whether they’re strong enough to prevail.

Put yourself inside the head of Marcos Jr. What would you do?

Forget Joe Biden because he’s a lost cause. Put yourself inside of the minds of members of the United States Congress on both sides of the aisle. Could you stop doing Politics as Usual and understand United States national security is being threatened in our most vulnerable link, our former colony, The Sovereign Republic of the Philippines?

I am more confident in Marcos to do the right thing than I am anybody inside the DC Beltway. I’m not stepping into the boxing ring with a 6 ft 7 heavyweight no matter how determined I am or convinced that I have right on my side.

Which brings us down to what politicians and even many military people don’t like to say out loud, we depend upon Divine Providence more than we will ever know.